
Ancient Yoga Class


(1 to 1.5h) ~ $250 MXN per person / $15 USD

A complete class with postures, breathwork and meditation. Ancient yoga style.

Yoga is a very ancient science that helps us develop flexibility and strength in our bodies, and happiness and peace in our minds. Release anxiety and fears. Focus your mind to be able to perform better in daily tasks and studies. And the most important thing is that it teaches us to grow and live from love, respect, compassion, care, kindness... and empower ourselves to follow the intuition of our hearts to achieve our purposes with happiness and joy!

Kids Yoga Class

   (1 to 1.5h) ~ $200 MXN per person / $12 USD

Fun Fun Fun! Learn yoga through fun games and activities!

With a big variety of fun games, postures, meditation, stories, songs, mandalas, etc., kids connect with their inner self and empower them to be the change needed for the world.

By cooperating and collaborating in a coordinated way, kids are able to raise beautiful human castles! (See below photos). In this game we learn to use our strength, balance, courage, focus and mental capacity to understand and act. There are no protagonists, everyone is vital to successfully complete the castle. If the human castle collapses, it doesn't matter, we try again, it's part of the game, we enjoy both the triumph and the fall. They enjoy, they are capable of doing important things with enthusiasm and loyalty as a team with the only reward of having done something together!

Online Yoga Teacher Training Courses - Yoga is an ancient Indian spiritual practice that utilizes mind, body and soul. Swasti Yoga help their students and patients understand the core of yoga, gaining peace, health, and happiness.

Swasti Yoga Center is an ISO 9001:2015 accredited Yoga Training Center by Yoga Certification Board (YCB) for quality education, training, therapy, and research in yoga. They are also an accredited Yoga Therapy Center by YCB, Ministry of AYUSH and an associate center of Indian Yoga Association (IYA).

*Contact me for suggestions, advice and discounts about the courses.

TTC with Swasti Yoga India

For suggestions, advice, discounts about the courses.
